Asynchronously loading pages in a Hugo site

I wrote a Hugo “theme” that loads its pages asynchronously. Play with it here or read the code here.

Using Hugo for a podcast site

A few weeks ago, one of my friends asked me to help with the website for a podcast he was starting. Two of our requirements were that it needed to be a static site, mostly to save on hosting costs, and that it must have seamless playback: its audio player shouldn’t ever be interrupted by navigating through the site. The websites of podcast 99% Invisible and audio hosting service SoundCloud both have excellent implementations of seamless playback.

I eventually settled on the static site generator Hugo because it natively supports post categories independently from content types, which we need to post both podcast episodes and articles but allow them to appear together in category listings. Pagify.js seemed promising for seamless playback (and it even has a Jekyll plugin), but because it only loads the actual content of a page via an AJAX call, that content will not be available to search engines or other users that disable JavaScript.

My prototype implements seamless playback in Hugo from scratch. Once you play the podcast, click around in the site. This will not stop playback – internal links load asynchronously and external links load in a new tab. With JavaScript disabled, you will at least be able to read the text content of the site.

Pardon the dust

The code here is the absolute minimum needed to implement this functionality, so I’m intentionally ignoring some best practices: there’s no CSS at all and the JavaScript is defined inline, among others.

Writing a Hugo theme

Hugo’s documentation on creating a theme tells you to run hugo new theme [name], which is supposed to generate a scaffold of your new theme. I needed a place to define a base container template that Hugo would wrap around the site’s content. It turns out that the correct file for this is layouts/_default/baseof.html but as of this post, Hugo does not create this file for you.

Inside this file, I wrote a minimal HTML page with a header, a footer, and room for content. Hugo will populate {{ block "main" . }} with the page’s content when the site is generated, and our JavaScript will change #mainContent as the user clicks on links.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ .Site.LanguageCode }}">
    {{ .Hugo.Generator }}
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>{{ block "title" . }}{{ .Title }} | {{ .Site.Title }}{{ end }}</title>
      <h1><a href="{{ "/" | relURL }}">{{ .Site.Title }}</a></h1>
    <main id="mainContent">{{ block "main" . }}{{ end }}</main>
      <a href="">mfw-singlepage</a>
      theme for <a href="">Hugo</a>

The <header> and <footer> should probably be split out into their own partial templates so that you can cleanly add your own embedded media here. However, they should not vary per page because they are never reloaded to avoid interrupting media playback.

While baseof.html defines the base template, the actual pages are defined elsewhere and work by defining variables, like the previously mentioned {{ block "main" . }}, that are substituted into the template. The homepage layout is at layouts/index.html and the individual post layout is at layouts/_default/single.html. Default layouts can be overridden on a per-section basis in layouts/[section].

When writing the theme, I also referenced the source of the After Dark and hugo-xmin themes as examples.

Loading pages asynchronously

Loading the site’s pages is done in a few steps: override the link action, retrieve and display the content, and update the back stack and displayed URL.

The easiest way to do this is to register a click handler on the <body> and do nothing if the click event was not on a link:

window.onload = function() {
  // Make links load asynchronously
  document.body.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
    if ( !== "A")

    // History API needed to make sure back and forward still work
    if (history === null)


    // External links should instead open in a new tab
    var newUrl =;
    var domain = window.location.origin;
    if (typeof domain !== "string" || !== 0) {, "_blank");
    } else {
      history.pushState(null /*stateObj*/, "" /*title*/, newUrl);

Setting up this behavior this way, as opposed to adding the click handler to every <a> individually, means that I won’t have to register more handlers when loading a new page.

It might be better to use the DOMContentLoaded event or $(document).ready from jQuery here because this functionality doesn’t depend on images and other content loading, but window.onload waits for those anyway. Alternately, I could have just given the click handler a name and set it directly on the <body onclick="...">.

Retrieve and display the new content

loadPage() does the AJAX call needed to get the new content. Using a raw XMLHttpRequest isn’t exactly a one-liner like jQuery’s get(), but it’s not too far off:

function loadPage(newUrl) {
  var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (httpRequest.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.DONE)

    var newDocument = httpRequest.responseXML;
    if (newDocument === null)

    var newContent = httpRequest.responseXML.getElementById("mainContent");
    if (newContent === null)

    document.title = newDocument.title;

    var contentElement = document.getElementById("mainContent");

  httpRequest.responseType = "document";"GET", newUrl);

XMLHttpRequest is capable of parsing the response as HTML. To do this, set its responseType to "document" before sending the request and wait for readyState to become XMLHttpRequest.DONE. Then responseXML will contain the root element of the response and methods like getElementById will work on it as expected.

After getting the #mainContent element in both the visible document and the newly loaded one, switching them out is just a call to replaceWith.

If Internet Explorer support is not a concern to you, you could consider using Fetch instead of XMLHttpRequest.

Update the back stack

At this point, the site works and you can freely browse without interrupting media playback, but the back and forward buttons don’t do what you’d expect them to. The History API allows JavaScript to modify the back stack to enable the back and forward buttons to work in a single page site.

First, check if the history API is available. I did this check in the click handler before overriding its behavior:

// History API needed to make sure back and forward still work
if (history === null)

Further down, the click handler also calls pushState after displaying the new page to add it to the history and change the shown URL:

history.pushState(null /*stateObj*/, "" /*title*/, newUrl);

Finally, the onpopstate handler is called when the back button is clicked. When this happens, the page needs to reload the content from that URL.

window.onpopstate = function(event) {

I could probably save bandwidth that will be wasted when the same page is loaded more than once by caching the content.

Saying no to jQuery

I originally avoided jQuery for this prototype as a learning exercise, but in hindsight using it would not have helped much.

In my case, jQuery could have helped by providing a better place to register the click handler, simplifying the AJAX call, and slightly shortening the call to locate the target element. Working around these isn’t that annoying and isn’t worth the 32 KB of bandwidth it takes to load jQuery.

Maybe your new site doesn’t need jQuery either. See You Might Not Need jQuery and You Don’t Need jQuery for more.
